Prev: Appendix C Status Flag Summary

Appendix D Condition Codes


The terms "above" and "below" refer to the relation between two unsigned values (neither SF nor OF is tested). The terms "greater" and "less" refer to the relation between two signed values (SF and OF are tested).

Definition of Conditions

(For conditional instructions Jcond, and SETcond)

                                       Instruction  Condition
Mnemonic  Meaning                      Subcode      Tested

O         Overflow                     0000         OF = 1

NO        No overflow                  0001         OF = 0

B         Below
NAE       Neither above nor equal      0010         CF = 1

NB        Not below
AE       Above or equal                0011         CF = 0

E         Equal
Z         Zero                         0100         ZF = 1

NE        Not equal
NZ        Not zero                     0101         ZF = 0

BE        Below or equal
NA        Not above                    0110         (CF or ZF) = 1

NBE       Neither below nor equal
NA        Above                        0111         (CF or ZF) = 0

S         Sign                         1000         SF = 1

NS        No sign                      1001         SF = 0

P         Parity
PE        Parity even                  1010         PF = 1

NP        No parity
PO        Parity odd                   1011         PF = 0

L         Less
NGE       Neither greater nor equal    1100         (SF xor OF) = 1

NL        Not less
GE        Greater or equal             1101         (SF xor OF) = 0

LE        Less or equal
NG        Not greater                  1110         ((SF xor OF) or ZF) = 1

NLE       Neither less nor equal
G         Greater                      1111         ((SF xor OF) or ZF) = 0

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