Prev: 14.8 Differences From 80286 Real-Address Mode
Next: 15.1 Executing 8086 Code
Chapter 15 Virtual 8086 Mode
The 80386 supports execution of one or more 8086, 8088, 80186, or 80188
programs in an 80386 protected-mode environment. An 8086 program runs in
this environment as part of a V86 (virtual 8086) task. V86 tasks take
advantage of the hardware support of multitasking offered by the protected
mode. Not only can there be multiple V86 tasks, each one executing an 8086
program, but V86 tasks can be multiprogrammed with other 80386 tasks.
The purpose of a V86 task is to form a "virtual machine" with which to
execute an 8086 program. A complete virtual machine consists not only of
80386 hardware but also of systems software. Thus, the emulation of an 8086
is the result of cooperation between hardware and software:
- The hardware provides a virtual set of registers (via the TSS), a
virtual memory space (the first megabyte of the linear address space of
the task), and directly executes all instructions that deal with these
registers and with this address space.
- The software controls the external interfaces of the virtual machine
(I/O, interrupts, and exceptions) in a manner consistent with the
larger environment in which it executes. In the case of I/O, software
can choose either to emulate I/O instructions or to let the hardware
execute them directly without software intervention.
Software that helps implement virtual 8086 machines is called a V86
Prev: 14.8 Differences From 80286 Real-Address Mode
Next: 15.1 Executing 8086 Code